About Us
The Holy Spirit started this ministry in 1992 with two sisters (Deborah Olukoju and Rebecca Otitoju). Through their personal experiences and some things they saw happening to other families, they both strongly felt led to pray for each other and for other families.
They were given the vision to pray for marriages, children and immigrant and non-immigrant families.
As mentioned earlier, they discovered that there were too many broken marriages and that children from affected Christian homes were being shoved back and forth.Wives and husbands that were Christians before they came to the western world, started doing things that are not biblical, all in the name of their “new found freedom” in the culture they now lived in.
Since Deborah and Rebecca lived in different cities, they decided to pray over the phone and also drive back and forth on a monthly basis to pray. As their schedules became fuller, they met in Virden monthly. On June 14, 1997, as they sat in a restaurant in Virden, Manitoba, they both felt that the Holy Spirit was telling them to bring in other women on a yearly basis. They were also to establish local groups in towns and cities around Canada, USA and even “to the ends of the earth,” where women can meet together to fellowship and pray outside of their local churches and denominations.
The first conference was held in Winnipeg in October 1997. It was at this conference that it was decided that they will travel from city to city for conferences and in the cause of the conference establish local chapters. Presently we have chapters in Calgary, Edmonton, Olds, Regina, Winnipeg, Ottawa, New York, Mississauga and Nigeria.
Princesses of the King Christian Organization International Inc. is a non-denominational organization whose primary goal is to reach out with the love of Christ to all women, regardless of age, race or beliefs with the intention of bringing them to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The first name of this organization was Princesses of the King Christian Women’s Org. Inc. but was changed at the Annual Conference in Edmonton on August 2, 2008 to Princesses of the King Christian Organization International Inc.
This was to reflect the new focus of the group for the next decade. Our actions and activities will be guided by the Bible which is the true and living Word of God. No one group or individual within the organization is considered more highly than others because in the body of Christ, we are all one; there is neither Greek nor Jew, male nor female. Galatians 3:28.
As members of the body of Christ, we shall strive for unity at all times. In situations of conflict each individual or group is encouraged to act in accordance with Matthew 18:15-35 and prayerfully seek resolution of the matter.
Princesses of the King’s national office is located in White City, Saskatchewan Canada.
The national office is responsible for contacting guest speakers who will speak at our annual conference. Please forward your suggestion of names to princessesinternational@gmail.com
We stress the importance of confidentiality so that we can all feel comfortable sharing our hearts without any fear of being ridiculed.
Activities of Princesses of the King are paid for through donations and quarterly offerings from each local chapter.
If you have any question or need any clarification please contact your chapter coordinator or the national office.