Princesses Handbook

Princesses of the King was founded in 1997 as an organization with a mission of reaching out to all women with the love of Christ. This group is registered as federal non-profit corporation and the process of seeking trade mark on the name in Canada. Please visit our website at for more information on this organization.

The annual conference is held in rotation nationally and internationally as the Lord gives us opportunity. Each princess is responsible for transportation to and fro the conference and pay conference fee as agreed to by the national executive and as discussed at the national conference general meeting. Donations/offerings are collected during the conference sessions and each chapter will contribute $400 annually to cover the annual expenses of Princesses ministry at the national level.

The National office of Princesses of the King is in White City, SK Canada. This is the office through which all correspondence goes to and this is the office of the Co-founders/National Directors of the organization. Mailing address is Box 714, White City, SK S4L 5B1.

Under the leadership of the Co-founders, a national team is set up to manage the affairs of Princesses of the King. The positions of the National Executives is for a 5-year term. This is to give an opportunity for each local member to serve at the National level, and work with the co-founders.

The national executive plans the annual conference by working with the local chapter in the Province hosting the national conference for the given year. Meetings are held monthly through conference calls to ensure continued planning and discussion on the programs and activities of the organization. The national executive members works closely with the co-founders. Conference speakers are prayerfully selected from suggested names from princesses.

Each chapter has a coordinator, an assistant coordinator, a secretary, and a treasurer to oversee the affairs of the local chapters. The position of the coordinator in each chapter is for a 3-year term. However, it is suggested that there is continuity and training whereby the assistant coordinator is anticipated will step into the chapter coordinator’s role. Other positions shall be staggered so that not all are replaced at the same time.

Each chapter is encouraged to develop their activities in line with princesses’ mission statement and according to what is appropriate for their chapter. Each chapter shall organize monthly meeting based on members’ availability. Offering or donations shall be collected during each meeting which will be used to run the programs of the chapter and pay the national annual dues.

Princesses of the King International Christian Women Organization shall be financed by members’ offerings, donations, sales of promotional items and registration fees during the annual conference. Local chapters shall contribute $400 annually to the national office as annual dues and individual donations shall be encouraged to help defray expenses of the national office.


National secretary/Financial secretary/Treasurer

  • Take minutes at all meetings
  • Record all offerings and donations to the national office
  • Prepare financial statement

National Coordinator

  • Act as an assistant to the co-founders
  • Work with the co-founders to coordinate the activities of the organization at national level
  • Represent the co-founders at events and speak on behalf of the organization
  • Liaise with other executives to ensure duties are being carried out as required
  • Chair meetings when the co-founders are not available
  • Participate actively in ensuring the success of annual conference
  • Liaise with chapter coordinators on behalf of the co-founders

National Prayer Coordinator

  • Work closely with co-founders to pray for the organization
  • Call for fasting and prayer time
  • Liaise with chapters to collect prayer requests and arrange for prayer meeting
  • Participate actively in ensuring the success of annual conference
  • Organize monthly meetings or annual retreats and programs as needed for chapter

Chapter Coordinators

  • Lead or delegate duties during each meeting
  • Call and visit members as needed
  • Liaise with co-founders and national coordinator on issues concerning chapter
  • Encourage members to attend annual conference
  • Act as go between the chapter members and national office in reporting relevant information from meetings and annual conferences to the chapter and informing the national office of relevant information from the chapter
  • Participate actively in ensuring the success of annual conference

Member at Large

  • Sit on the national executive committee and help in all duties as assigned by the co-founders and national coordinator

Co-founders & National Directors

  • Co-founders shall not hold any position in the local chapter and shall not represent the local chapter to the national office but would belong to a local chapter
  • Shall be responsible for the overall running of the organization
  • In situation when the national executive body could not agree on an issue, the co-founders shall be responsible to make final decisions
  • Shall be responsible to invite or approve the invitation of speakers to annual conference
  • Shall visit and attend local chapters’ events as invited and speak on the vision of the organization. Travel expenses (room and aboard included) shall be the responsibility of the local chapter they are visiting.